HET Seminar: Manki Kim (MIT)


Physics and Astronomy Colloquium: "Biological tissues as mechanical metamaterials"

M. Lisa Manning (Syracuse University)
- See Zoom link below

Abstract: In multicellular organisms, properly programmed collective motion is required to form tissues and organs, and this programming breaks down in diseases like cancer. Recent experimental work…

HET Seminar: Gravitational Phenomenology of Dark Photon Production

Peter Adshead (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Axion-like fields are ubiquitous in high-energy physics. Their symmetry properties also make them favored ingredients in many cosmological scenarios ranging from inflation to dark matter.  The resonant,…

Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminar: Large Scale Structure Beyond the 2-Point Function

Oliver Philcox (Princeton)
- DRL 4C6

Quantum fluctuations in inflation provide the seeds for the large scale distribution of matter today. According to the standard paradigm, these fluctuations induce density perturbations that are…

Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Interlayer Excitons and Magneto-Exciton Condensation in van der Waals Heterostructures"

Philip Kim, Harvard
- See Zoom link below

A pair of electrons and holes across the interface of semiconductor heterostructure can form a bound quantum state of the interlayer exciton. In a coupled interface between atomically thin van der Waals…

HEE: The g-2 experiment

Dr. Aaron Fienberg, Penn State
- Zoom

Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Strongly Driven Quantum Materials "

David Hsieh, Caltech
- See Zoom link below

Driving strongly correlated electron systems far from equilibrium can lead to fundamentally new many-body phenomena that are thermally inaccessible. In this talk, I will describe a series of recent…

Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Non reciprocal phase transitions"

Vincenzo Vitelli, University of Chicago
- See Zoom link below

The interaction between a peregrine falcon and a dove is visibly non-reciprocal. What happens to the well established framework of phase transitions in non-reciprocal systems far from equilibrium?…

Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminar: An Update on the Progress of EDGES

Steven Murray (Arizona State)
- Zoom

EDGES reported the first evidence of star formation in the high-redshift Universe (z~18) in 2018 (Bowman et al, 2018; hereafter B18). The extraordinary depth and flattened profile of the reported…

Thesis Defense: “Neutron Cross Section Measurement in the ProtoDUNE Single-Phase Experiment"

David Rivera (University of Pennsylvania)
- See Zoom link below