High Energy Seminar: "Black Holes in Massive Gravity: Time-Dependent Solutions"

Rachel A. Rosen (Columbia University)
- DRL 2N36

When starting with a static, spherically-symmetric ansatz, there are two types of black hole solutions in massive gravity: (i) exact Schwarzschild solutions which exhibit no Yukawa suppression at large distances and…

Math-Bio seminar: " The mathematical foundation of a landscape theory for living matters and life"

Hong Qian (University of Washington)
- Carolyn Lynch Laboratory, 318

The physicists' notion of energy is derived from Newtonian mechanics. The theory of thermodynamics is developed based on that notion, and the realization of mechanical energy dissipation in terms of heat. Since the…

High Energy Seminar: "Modular spacetime and Metastring theory"

Djordje Minic (Virginia Tech)
- DRL 2N36

In this talk we review our recent work on metastring theory and its habitat, a new form of quantum spacetime, called modular spacetime. We emphasize that the geometry underlying modular spacetime, i.e. the background…

Condensed Matter Seminar: "Atomic Crystals with New Twists"

Jiwoong Park, Cornell University
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

Chiral materials possess left- and right-handed counterparts linked by mirror symmetry, with applications in physics, chemistry and biology. In atomic crystals such as graphene, chiral symmetry emerges naturally as a…

Astro Seminar: "Large-Scale Structure Tests of Galaxy Formation and Modified Gravity"

Ying Zu (Ohio State University).
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

I will present novel tests of galaxy formation theories and the nature of gravity, using large-scale structure measurements from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). I will first introduce the iHOD model, a…

*Special* High Energy Seminar: "Monopole-antimonopole Creation and Other Numerical Studies"

Tanmay Vachaspati (Arizona State University)
DRL 4N12

I will describe magnetic monopoles, their properties, and recent numerical work on their creation from particles.

High Energy Theory: "TBA"

Tom Hartman (Cornell University)

Advances in Biomedical Optics Seminar: "Optical Diagnostics for Improved Pancreatic Disease Detection"

Mary-Ann Mycek (University of Michigan)
Donner Auditorium, Basement, Donner Building, 3400 Spruce St.

Pizza will be served at 11:45am.

These seminars are supported by the Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy Laboratory, the Center for Magnetic Resonance and Optical  Imaging, the Department of Radiology and the…


Carl Weiman (Stanford)
- Lynch Lecture Hall Chemistry Complex

Guided by experimental tests of theory and practice, science has advanced rapidly in the past 500 years. Guided primarily by tradition and dogma, the learning and teaching of these subjects meanwhile has remained…