Penn I-Corps Site Summer Start-Up Accelerator Featuring Professore A. T. Charlie Johnson

Professor Charlie Johnson and Alan Greenberger, Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Director of Commerce, City of Philadelphia
- World Cafe Live

Launch Event

  • The Penn I-Corps Site summer accelerator offers 30 teams
  • Education, mentorship, and funding to develop startup ideas.
  • Faculty, students, and local entrepreneurs are welcome.…

Special Seminar: "New Views on Iron Superconductivity: From a Mott Insulator’s Perspective"

Byron Freelon, M.I.T.
- DRL Faculty Lounge

Seeking to understand the nature of high-temperature superconductivity (HTSC) in iron-based materials, we discuss a new class of compounds in which unconventional superconductivity may occur.  When…

Astro Seminar: "Circumstellar Disk Composition and Evolution"

Alycia Weinberger (Carnegie Institution)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory

Abstract:  The vast diversity of planetary systems arises from formation
processes within circumstellar disks. These disks start out gas rich and end
full of planets and some remnant debris dust. I will…

Condensed Matter seminar: "Low-Dimensional Properties of Atomically-Thin Materials and Systems"

Douglas Strachan, University of Kentucky
- DRL A4

Atomically-thin materials represent the thinnest possible components of future device applications with extreme reduction in size scales. While tremendous progress has recently been made in understanding the large-…

Dissertation Defense:"Bulges and Disks in the Nearby Universe:Applications to Evolution and Formation of Galaxies"

Alan Meert, University of Pennsylvania
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 4E19

Dissertation Defense:"Encoding of Ultrasonic Communication Signals in Rat Auditory Cortex"

Isaa Carruthers, University of Pennsylvaniac
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 3W2

Astro Seminar: CDM's Most Severe Small-scale Problem: The Ubiquity of Co-orbiting Satellite Galaxy Planes

Marcel Pawlowski (Case Western)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory

Comparisons of observed satellite galaxies with CDM
simulations have revealed numerous 'small-scale' problems. While the
missing-satellites, the core-cusp and potentially even the

Department Colloquium: Einstein and Quantum Mechanics: It’s Not What You Think

Douglas Stone, Yale
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory

Refreshments available in DRL 2nd floor Faculty Lounge @ 3:30pm

Einstein is well known for his rejection of quantum mechanics in the form it emerged from the work of Heisenberg, Born and Schrodinger in 1926.  Much less appreciated are the many seminal contributions he made to…

Advances in Biomedical Optics Seminar: "Optogenetic Tools for Controlling Biological Circuits"

Professor Brian Chow (University of Pennsylvania)
- Donner Auditorium, Basement
Donner Building- 3400 Spruce St.

*Pizza to be served @ 11:45A* 

Condensed Matter Seminar: "Spin Fluctuations and Entanglement"

Ari Turner, Johns Hopkins University
- DRL A4

I will compare the effects of quantum and thermal fluctuations in a
spin chain by calculating the probability distribution for spin
fluctuations in a segment.

The calculation will use the concept…