
Condensed Matter seminar: "Fracton phase of matter: Lattice models, gauge theories and realizations"

Yizhi You, Princeton University
- | David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

Fracton phase of matter shares many features of topological order, including long-range entangled ground states and non-trivial braiding statistics. At the same time, fracton phase contains subextensive ground-state degeneracy and the restricted mobility of quasiparticle which exclude itself from the TQFT paradigm. In this talk, I start from several solvable lattice models as candidates for Fracton order. Further, I will present a theoretical framework on higher rank Chern-Simons theory in 3D as the low energy effective theory for Fracton phase. In the end, I propose an experiment platform for realizing diverse fracton stabilizer codes based on interacting nanowires, which enables us to fabricate a zoology of fracton states and thus provides a powerful novel avenue to the realization of stable quantum memory and fault-tolerant quantum computing.