
My work on the Recycler - some photos:

The following information was taken from the Recycler Ring Home Page:


The Main Injector will supply a larger flux of protons for antiproton production, more intense proton bunches for use in the collider, and a higher efficiency acceleration of antiprotons. The role of the Recycler Ring is to provide more antiprotons for the Tevetron, which proportionally increases the luminosity. This is accomplished by acting as a high reliability post-Accumulator and receptacle for recycled antiprotons from previous Collider stores. Prior to the development of the Recycler ring, the peak luminosity goal of the Fermi III upgrade program was 8x1031cm-2sec-1. With the construction of the Recycler ring, a typical peak luminosity of 2x1032cm-2sec-1 is expected."

click on image to enlarge ...

Couple images taken at the start of the Recycler shutdown on October 12, 2001 in the Main Injector tunnel near the kicker area:

#1, Oct 12, 2001
#2, Oct 12, 2001

Additional images taken by digital camera during the shutdown:

1, support stand for the horozontal scrapper
2, Fermilab in the background with a resting hawk nearby
3, another view for the horizontal support stand
4, view of the bare vertical support stand
5, another view horizontal stand
6, another view horizontal stand
7, another view horizontal stand
8, a wild hawk resting nearby
9, Scott and me
10, vertical scrapper on beam pipe, another view
11, close view of vertical scrapper and stand
12, Dennis Gaw and Scott McCormick
13, Dennis Gaw and Scott McCormick
14, Dennis Gaw tightening the bolts on the horizontal scrapper
15, Scott and me
16, Scott and me
17, a clear phot0 of a 'beam pipe' Tee with flange for mounting a TSP
18, Scott and me
19, the mounted horizontal scrapper
20, the mounted horizontal scrapper
21, the mounted horizontal scrapper
22, the mounted horizontal scrapper
23, venting with very pure Nitrogen at a port on the ion and TSP section
24, that's me with hands on work ("busy hands are happy hands")

People I worked and interacted with on the Recycler shutdown Oct, 8 to Nov. 16, 2002:

Terry Anderson (tander@), Dave Augustine (augustine@), Scott McCormick (smc@), Ron Kellett (rjk@), Dennis Gaw (dlgaw@), Mike Heinz (mrheinz@), Christina Ader (cader@), Wade Muranyi (murani@)

1, that's me with the Schottky detector
2, Ron Kellett with the Schottky detector
3, Ron Kellett, Christine Ader. Scott McCormick and Wade Muranyi in the Main Injector/Recycler tunnel
4 Ron Kellett, Christine Ader. Scott McCormick and Wade Muranyi
5, one set of the kickers under vacuum testing
6, Mike Heinz testing the vacuum on the scappers
7, Scott McCormick with the horizontal scrapper
8, the vertical and horizontal scrppers joined together for vacuum certification and bakeout at C0.
9, the horizontal scrapper on stand and attached to beam pipe.
10, the Main Injector and Recycler tunnel at the scrapper location looking 'upstream'
11, Terry Anderson, engineer in charge of the Recycler vacuum system.
12, the vertical scrapper on the beam pipe

Nov. 27, 2001
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